Saturday, May 23, 2020

LNP rots

Bank rots
Building cracks rots
Sports rots
Bush fire rots
Land clearing rots
Gas rots
NDIS rots
Robodebt rots
Jobprovider rots
Jobkeeper rots

Monday, May 18, 2020

Why deeming rate is not justified

What is the deeming rate?

The deeming rate is the amount the government deems your income to be from your financial assets. It calculates the amount of income received from a financial asset regardless of the actual return.
This calculation is used for the pension income assessment and can affect how much someone receives through their pension.
A pensioner can earn up to $172 a fortnight before their payments are reduced.
The deeming rate for singles is 3.25% for assets over $51,200 and 1.75% for those under that threshold – but more detail on this later.

Why it is not justified?
This financial assets especially from bank savings accounts are hard earned money that are already taxed. Savers should not be punished for savings. Banks need savings so that they can lend to businesses to create employment which is one of the main job of government. Without these savings, businesses cannot borrow or expand and employment level will be low. Government is wrong to tax people based on deemings rates. Government should impose a wealth tax on people with assets above $10million. This type of people hoarded too much wealth which is counterproductive.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Why Negative interest is bad?

1) Negative interest is bad for economy
2) Negative interest is to sink countries with debts as they buy more on credit
3) Banks have to make profits and negative interest will affect their revenues and profits and they will have to cut staff.
4) Banks may also have to face bankruptcy and bail out by taxpayers.