Thursday, October 10, 2019

Why Negative interest is bad?

1) Negative interest is bad for economy
2) Negative interest is to sink countries with debts as they buy more on credit
3) Banks have to make profits and negative interest will affect their revenues and profits and they will have to cut staff.
4) Banks may also have to face bankruptcy and bail out by taxpayers.

Monday, September 23, 2019

What is Liveability?

Liveability most important factors:
1) affordable housing
2) prospects of jobs
3) quality of healthcare
4) quality of education
5) quality of transport
6) availability of space

Monday, August 26, 2019

Why offshoring of jobs (esp banks) is bad?

1) short term profit at long term cost
2) increase unemployment
3) increase social costs
4) increase tax (esp gst) as less tax payers more social costs
5) data leaks
6) grooming/ arming of hostile country

Solution: ban offshoring of jobs esp banks.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Why all the hate in this world?

This is what all elites want the people to do : HATE (other races, religion, cultures), so that they can continue to screw the people (left, right, top, bottom) and cover their incompetency. Silly people always fall for this trick.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Monday, August 5, 2019

Asylum seekers solution

solution 1:
They can seek asylum in any countries but they will not be settled in the country they seek asylum. This will resolve the problem of human trafficking.

solution 2:
they can work in farms and after certain years, obtain temp visas if behavior is acceptable. if they can satisfy requirement of perm visas, they can also obtain perm visas.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Why hsving too many migrants is bad for the country?

Why too many migrants are not good:
1) They will compete for jobs with citizens.
2) They will suppress wages for a long time.
3) They will take away important skills.
4) They create tensions such as anti migrants sentiments.
The solution: is to maintain suitable migrants level that tensions over jobs, transports, housing and schools are at minimal. Its not the migrants fault but the gov. They opt not to invest in infrastructure despite collecting tax and fees from these migrants.

Some migrants are good because it can improve economy:
Citizens are employed at gov/mnc
PR Migrants are employed at sme
Temp migrants are employed at aged care
Student migrants are employed at hospitality
Asylum seekers are employed at agriculture

everyone has a job and it is important to control the numbers.

Why overdepence on mining companies are bad for the country?

1) They want to crash the country so that they can buy up the mines cheaply.
2) They want the currency to crash so that they can buy up the mines cheaply.
3) They want the unemployment to rise by employing foreigners so they can crash the country.
4) They dig up and sell up and leave all the toxic behind for the people to suffer.
5) They do not add value and hence make the country dumber.
The solution is to make them invest greatly in the region they mined so that they create sustainability, stability and safety for all.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

What to do on hot summer days (above 30degree)?

1) Swimming in swimming pool
2) Shopping in aircon
3) Eat ice lollies
4) Relax in aircon/fan
5) Read in aircon/fan

Do not go to the beach.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Karl Marx And The Great Socialist Revival

Regardless of Marx’s intentions, his doctrines spurred perpetual dread in hundreds of millions of victims.